Today, women are portrayed with a similar status to men. No longer are women shown working in the home, but instead, they are detectives, holding executive positions or being doctors. Taking care of the children and providing for the family is no longer portrayed as a man's job, but a joint effort between husband and wife.
In the "real world", women are seen in television, in and out of sitcoms and national televsioin. In the past, women were not main characters, but today, have their own shows! Women today are news
The representation of women has changed drastically in television. Women have gained rights and respect over they years, as well as air time!
This is one positive change that you can highlight with this blog is to show how women have really gained respect in the television world. Since it is so widely viewed by children these days, it is good that we have so many positive role models out there. Oprah is a great woman to bring up, just because of how well she has done for herself.
Also, the standard show is not about the family anymore. From the conservative likes of The Brady Bunch and The Dick Van Dyke show to today's racy shows like Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives, not only reveals stories of the single life but in particular a woman's point of view.
Oprah is an important woman to mention because of her "rags to riches" story and her unbelievable success!
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