Sunday, March 30, 2008

In and Out of the Spotlight

It often gets hard to imagine actors and actresses outside of our little TV screen. Thinking that they often go through the same struggles as us is sometimes unfathomable. Catching the real lives of celebrities outside of the tabloids realizing truth is comforting to most. In this video, this comfort is distributed to parents, but mostly mothers.
The interview takes place with mothers such as June Cleaver from Leave It To Beaver, Carol Brady from The Brady Bunch, and Marion Cunningham from Happy Days. The women are asked questions about motherhood in real-life and it's relation to their role as mothers on television. They express the ups and downs of life in show business.
Marion Ross, who portrayed Marion Cunningham on Happy Days, talks about how different her television life was from her home life. She worked on set and would come home to her children, raising them herself because she was divorced. She mentions her children asking why she was so sweet to her "children" on TV! She replied, "I used all my sweet at work."
Florence Henderson, Carol from The Brady Bunch, recalls her children asking why she never screamed at the children on television. "Because they won't let me! Otherwise I would," laughs Henderson.
From Everybody Loves Raymond Patricia Heaton found it eerie how closely related story lines were to her own personal lives. Whether it be her own children at school or struggles with her husband, she was amazed at how similar her real life was to the script.
These are just a few examples of the explanations in this interview. Posted on (, the interview makes it easy for viewers to relate to these celebrities. Motherhood, whether on television or in our homes, can have its ups and downs. Always remember that celebrities lead normal lives, too!

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